Manny knew what he had to do to win. Mayweather was the bigger fighter and had a substantial reach advantage. Manny's only chance to win was to smother Mayweather with punches and force his way inside to neutralize Mayweather reach advantage. For this strategy to work Manny was going to have to eat a lot of punches. Which he should have been able to do because Mayweather isn't a power puncher. He doesn't have one punch knock out power. Instead Manny held back looking for an opening that would never be there.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the good Rev. Jaime Foxx and the National Anthem. I was expecting a jazzed up soulful rendition of the National Anthem. I was expecting to hear a gospelized version. Who gave the OK for that? I'm sure they had to of practiced at least once during the week. Somebody should have stepped in and said, "You know Jamie, I loved you in Ray Charles. Can we get a Ray Charles rendition instead? James Brown maybe? How about an impersonation of Prince? You do a good Michael Jackson."
I'm not even going to comment about Manny's post fight interview when he said that he thought he had won.
This fight was like one of those old movies about a group of thieves who are looking for that one last big score before they retire. This was Manny's and Floyd's last big score. They will fight again, but this was the big one that set them up for life. Floyd is 38 and will soon retire, and Manny is 36 and has a ton of others things to do, like finish out his term in congress. Floyd can now say his career is complete and his legacy is intact. Manny, go his biggest payday ever. Just like in Ocean's 11 they can all meet in front of MGM grand. Smile at each other. Take a long look at the strip, and then shake hands and walk away.
- Haven Harrington III -
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